PfC &&&&&&& 4 ^^^^^ (_PFC_)(_PFC_)(_PFC_)(_PFC_)(_PFC_)(_PFC_)(_PFC_) _The Pig Fuckers Corner | The Pig Fuckers Corner_ (_PFC_)(_PFC_)(_PFC_)(_PFC_)(_PFC_)(_PFC_)(_PFC_) \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ does it really matter? any of this. do we matter, do i? _+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+__+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+ ||shit In THi5 Pig FUcker|| ()my story \'\]\%*&(IKJ(U&()*U your story() *%(&*OHUKJ_)U**YO_)U)(&*<>":}|_!@#$%^&*()_+(*& more and more and more bullshit \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ yeah i fuck pigs. and that's me. and this me, this person who has continued to fuck pigs in the faces of those who shunned him stands strong. this strength is who i am. the pfc is who we are. we are different, and we were shunned, but we are the pfc. this is our soap box. i dont need you to tell me, to tell me—— to tell me that i am right. i know this. our expression is the pfc and it will always be the pfc. it is my life and our stories. and what has who i am brought me? the strength i have to stand up for me. what do i have to show for it? i have to show that i am being kicked out of my house on monday if i do not have a job. so i turn the pfc over to you. the pfc is out club, and we make it up. this is the change/ the pfc will now be your place to share your thoughts, your idea's. a place to tell your story, and a place for me to tell mine. who may share if you would like, or you may choose not to share. any and all expressions have the right to be said, you do not have to agree with them, nor like them. you must respect that they have the right to be said, as the expressionist has to respect your right to dislike them. this is the new pfc. this is our world, and our change. with this i ask you not to share the pfc with anyone who is not on the list to receive it. if you cannot agree to that then please notify me and i will take you off the list. we need web space. please contact me if you can help. --------==========-----------===========---------- From FerrocyanideFrom FerrocyanideFrom Ferrocyanide --------==========-----------===========---------- ******************************************** I was once a happy-go-lucky netscape chat boy, sitting around talking to ppl about nothing at all, when one day this guy came in and stuffed the channel up (cloaking his ip and stuff), and i thought "wow, gee he must be a real hacker to do that", and i went to this guys webpage, and on it it said something that i won't forget "The best way to defete a hacker, is to become one yourself". I wanted to get him back for stuffing up the webpage, and i didn't have his IP so i couldn't use my trusty Winnuke Pro. I did the basic web search "hacking", there were about 500, 000 pages, i thought this was great, it should be easy to learn how to hack. Well it wasn't, first thing was i went to these pages and everything was and the exe wouldn't run on my LC II ( i wonder why :x ), so i downloaded a lot of txt readme's on "howto hack", the newbie guide to hacking and other stuff. Now, the problem here was that the txt's were....well crap, made for 10 years ago, has any actualy loged into a system as root root??? unf, i read that crap for a while, some of it was o.k like basic unix commands and the set out of a system. Other than that it was a waste of time, unix logins and stuff, that really disapointed me when i tryed to log in as root root and it didn't work ;) . Maybe if at least one of the txt's i read said anything about explotation it may have saved me a lot of time and trouble, guessing passwds is for a brute force hacking that has the passwd file, not a person who will get caught trying neumorous logins. I think if anyone tryed to go bye those text files, they'd get there ass busted, i'm not trying to say that all the stuff in the text files was crap, just that it most of it was a waste of time and effort. I didn't learn what i do now from those text files, i think a lot of it has to do with experience, not just reading text files. It was really hard "trying" to hack with a macintosh back then, ithink if anone wants to be serious about hacking, they should either get into macintosh programming, get linux/bsd (unix) or get an account on a server that does have unix and telnet around (even if it is a pain in the ass). I must say that there are a lot more programs for macintosh now, i encourage stuff like bpscan, aska, ppl like logik, nail3d, 2600, happle, weasle, zeus who help the tough life of mac hacking. I never found that guy who stuffed up that webpage, tho i searched around where he hanged out. I should be thanking him for setting me on the path that i have followed, for the interesting things i have learn't and for the people that i have met. It's been phun. Ferrocyanide. "<------------ The information went that'a way ------------->" ********************************** That the kind of stuff you want? I haven't had a look at pfc, so i dunno what you want in there, and since you said pfc is going to change big time, it wouldn't have helped me much ;). Ferrocyanide. ======================={}{}{}{{|\\\\\\\\\\====================== (PIRATE RADIO)_-/-|_\(PIRATE RADIO)_-/-|_\(PIRATE RADIO)_-/-|_\ ================= ================= ================= ========= I AM IN THE PROCESS OF GETTING A PIRATE RADIO SHOW IN MY LOCAL AREA OF SANTA CRUZ CALIFORNIA ON FREAK RADIO 96.3. I HOPE TO BEABLE TO HAVE IT SIMILAR TO "OFF THE HOOK". TOPICS OF DISCUSSION WILL INCLUDE HACKING, PHREAKING, YOUR STORIES, AND GOVERNMENT TAKING AWAY OUR CIVIL LIBERTIES AND HOW NO ONE SEEMS TO GIVE A DAMN. IT WILL FEATURE GUEST CALLING IN FROM ALL OVER, PEOPLE CALLING IN WITH QUESTIONS AND COMENTARY. AND SOME MUSIC WHEN I GET TIRED OF TALKING =) THIS WILL BE "PFC ON THE AIR..." HERE IS A TRANSCRIPT OF THE VOICE MAIL MESSAGE I RECEIVED FROM "SKID-MARK BOB" THE HEAD GUY AT FREAK RADIO: SKID-MARK BOB (SMB) =SMB: " HEY SIMON THIS IS SKID-MARK BOB FROM FREE RADIO SANTA CRUZ, I DONT KNOW IF ANYONE HAS GOTTEN AHOLD OF YOU, BUT UHM—I BELIEVE YOU CALLED MY VOICE MAIL ABOUT...__ UM A SHOW IDEA I THINK IT WAS. UH YOU CALL, PLEASE CALL THE VOICE MAIL AND LET ME A KNOW A TIME I CAN GIVE YOU A CALL OR SOMEONE CAN GIVE YOU A CALL IF YOU WANT TO GET A SHOW OR IF YOU HAVE A SHOW IDEA. YOU NEED TO MAKE A LOOP TAPE BECAUSE WE NEED MORE LOOP TAPES, WITH STATION I.D'S AND WHATEVER YOUR SHOW IS GOING TO BE. THEN WE WILL PLAY IT AND A PROGRAMMING COMMITEE WILL VOTE ON IT OR NOT..." SO BASICLY I NEED TO MAKE THIS TAPE. IF ANYONE WANTS TO HELP THAT WOULD BE DOPE SHIT. CONTACT ME AT SIMONSAYS@NETLIMIT.COM. I DONT KNOW IF I CAN DO THIS CAUSE I WILL BE HOMELESS ON MONDAY BUT MAYBE IT WILL WERK OUT. ----------------------------------------------------- HOW TO START A PIRATE RADIO STATION************** {}{}}{}{}{}{}{}{][][][][][][][][][][}{}{}{}{{}}{}{][][][][}{}{}{}{}{}[][][][][][]{} -Please do not share this information with anyone who is not associated with the PFC- there is nothing really complex about starting your own microbroadcast station. you will only need to know how to setup the equiptment. this is what you will need: -FM transmitter -inline fm audio amplifier (not nesscessary SP?) -atleast a 2 channel audio mixer. you may want more, but 2 is recommended. (NOTE: you could use a 1 channel setup but transferring from voice to music would be a pain) -microphone & headphones -monitoring speakers (headphones werk inplace of) -tape, cd or record players. -large antenna array. (or a really long thick cat. 2 wire that you can run up a tall tree in the neighbors yard) And thats all i can think of off the top of my head. all of these things can be accquired at but they are hella expensive and shit. you can get soem stuff at your local radio shack, or local DIY authorized reseller. check out for a local store. ******I CANNOT FINISH THIS ISSUE. I AM BEING KICKED OUT OF MY HOUSE. I HAVE TO LEAVE IN LIKE 30 MINUTES... I AM TURNING THE PIG FUCKERS CORNER AND IT'S ENTIRETY OVER TO LUPUS GENTRY. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. I HAD FUN WITH THIS.******